Pesach: April 19th, 2014

Join us as we celebrate Pesach with humanistic Haggadah and songs!

April 19th from 4:30 to 8:00 PM (Service at 5:30pm)

Eno River Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (ERUUF)***

Fellowship Hall
Durham, NC


  • Cost for Members: $17.50 adults (15 or older) $8.00 ages 10-14 $6.00 ages 5-9, Under 5 Free($50 maximum per family; $5 less/person for vegetarians)
  • Cost for Non-Members: $25.00 adults (15 or older) $8.00 ages 10-14 $6.00 ages 5-9, Under 5 Free($65 maximum per family; $5 less/person for vegetarians)
  • NOTE: Reservation AND check must be received by April 10th. Please send your check (made out to Kol Haskalah) to: Marielle Belhassen, 961 Palace Garden Way. Raleigh, NC 27603.

Please bring a dish to share that will serve at LEAST 8 OTHER PEOPLE.
We look forward to tasting your holiday specialty! Please bring your own serving utensils (labeled.)
We will provide chicken, matzos, sacramental wine, grape juice, and cold drinks. You are welcome to bring your own wine for the dinner. For more info., please call 968-7888 or email or

Volunteers are needed for set-up, clean-up and help with errands, etc. Please email Marielle at if you can help. Thank you!

****** ERUUF, 4907 Garrett Rd, Durham (6/10 mile east of 15-501, on the left) Click for directions/parking info***